Thursday, January 11, 2007

January project...

My sister (Rachael) and I decided that we needed to have some goals this year to get some stuff done. So each month we will each have a project. This month I decided to get the master bedroom together. So far, here is what I've done:

Folded and put away the 3 loads of laundry that were piled on the dresser and floor.
Washed all the clothes every few days to keep the hamper from overflowing.
Bob put the headboard on the bed.
Ordered a new mattress...Queen size!!
Bob taped around the window and door frames to get ready for painting.
Put primer on one window frame.
Made the bed, changed the sheets.
Packed up all my maternity clothes.
Bob helped me move my dresser and then the dogs bed.
Moved the end table out of the bedroom. (it's in the hall until we decide where to put it.
Cleaned out my closet and refolded all the sheets/pillowcases.
Hung up all the stuff that fell or was not hung up after coming out of the dryer.
Organize the nick nacks on the shelves/dressers/nightstand.

I still need to:

Primer one window, two door frames, and the trim around the floor.
Paint (2 coats) both windows, both doors, and trim around the floor.
sweep the floor.
vacuum the rug.

When I write it out like that it doesn't seem like that much! I'm pretty sure I can finish all that by the end of the month if Oliver will just cooperate.

Speaking of Oliver, I didn't mention that he had his 4 month birthday on the 6th. He's been Mister Grabbyhands lately, reaching and holding anything he can get his hands on and usually putting it right in his mouth. He's getting way better at tummy time, and when he woke up today he rolled over from his back to his side to snuggle with me. I haven't seen him make it all the way over yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. He's also eating more...a lot more! He was eating about 4 ounces each meal up until just about his 4 month birthday, then he went straight to 6 or 7. He's sleeping better, too. He only wakes up once a night or not at all. Wonderful!! We weighed him the other day when we were at Nanny and Pappy's house and he's 16 pounds! I measured him last night and he was 25.5/26 inches. It's hard to get a good measurement because he's such a wiggle worm!
I think I had mentioned before that Bob entered the contest for wood repair. Well he won for the region, and the weekend of the 26th he's off to Texas to compete in the company-wide competition. Hooray Bob!!! While he's there he gets a free hotel stay and delicious steak dinners every night. He'll leave Friday and get back Sunday. While he's gone I think I'm going to take a trip to Asheville so my grandparents can meet Oliver. It's a 3 hour drive, but I'm hoping the little booger will sleep the whole way...and Jasper too.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Wow, you're way more ambitious than I. I can barely manage to take out the recycling.

Happy late 4-month birthday to Oliver!