Tuesday, August 01, 2006


yep, soccer. That's what the rasin will be playing when he gets older. He's so active! Sometimes I just sit and watch my belly twitch and move around. Sometimes he hits me so hard that it feels like his little arm or leg is going to come right through my belly! I can tell the difference between a kick and a roll, too. When he rolls it feels really weird.

I had a dream the other night that my belly was silver, kind of like mercury. I was looking down at it and I could see the raisin's open hand come out (still covered up with mercury belly) and then it closed. How weird is that?

Monday, July 31, 2006

the raisin's shower

Here are some pictures from the raisin's shower. The theme was duckies, in case you couldn't tell. We had lots of fun playing games and decorating onsies. I'm glad everyone could come (even if they had to leave early, or came late). I had a wonderful time and I hope everyone else did, too!

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This is the onsie that Jason made...I put it by itself because I wanted to show the front and back.
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These are the onsies that were decorated for the raisin at the shower. From top left they were made by: Kyle and Cindy, Karie, Brenda, Dolly, me, my mom, Jaimee, and Rachael. (Kyle and Cindy's got duplicated) I think we all had fun...I know I did.
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