Friday, April 13, 2007

I don't know what was wrong...

the past few days (since the 8th actually) I have been going to all my usual blogs but seeing NO updates! I thought that people were slacking off but I knew for sure that Robyn always always posts every day. I was going to leave a comment to see why there were no new posts there. Well anyway, today I finally figured out that for some stupid reason my computer wasn't loading the page fresh when I clicked the link. I had to go to each one and hit the "refresh" button to make it come up right. Stupid computer. So that's why there are so many comments from me on old posts! (sorry Robyn, most of them were to you) So it's nice to know that you didn't all fall off the face of the earth never to be heard from again!

thank you!!

I forgot to mention that when you squeeze the beak of the duckie tub it quacks. Very funny! Although it scares the poor dog half to death.

Last night Oliver did something so cooooooool! He got up on his hands and knees like he was going to crawl!!!! He did it a couple of times but never actually went anywhere. I was so proud - I got a little misty.

He is getting very good at standing up holding onto things, too. He was standing by the couch holding onto the cushion all by himself a few days ago. He stood there for a good little while before his chubby little legs got tired and he had to sit down.

In other news, I get to go back to the eye doctor today for (hopefully) the last time. My eye is not red anymore and it doesn't hurt so hopefully he'll tell me I don't have to put anything else in my eye. Did I mention the ointment he gave me last time I was there? Have you ever put ointment in your EYE?? It's icky feeling and makes everything look even more fuzzy than it already does when I don't have a contact in. They laugh at me at work because I have to close one eye to see anything. It's odd though, up close I can see better without the contacts. Bob has been driving me to work and picking me up so I don' t have to's a good thing too because you lose your depth perception if you only use one eye.

Speaking of work, they just had inventory. What fun! The poor managers have been running around all over the place trying to find the "lost" merchandise. Poor Ken's all stressed out, as he is every inventory, and it does't help that we are still waiting to be audited.

Well, Oliver's waking up so time to go be suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper mommy!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

new tub...

Oliver graduated from the baby tub to this ducky tub. It's a little bigger and he sits up in it instead of laying down. He seemed to like it. He splashed and splashed the whole time he was in there. I thought since he's sitting up so well that it was time to do this. He was getting too long for the other tub.
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He's so happy!

Oliver is just the happiest little man. He's always smiling (unless he's tired or cranky or hungry...). He loves to play and he loves it when people talk to him and interact with him. He likes music, mostly baby Einstein, and his favorite TV shows are Family Feud and The People's Court. Mostly because he gets fed during the Feud and he gets a snugly nap during the People's Court. He's sitting up on his own now for long periods of time. He's still reaching and grabbing everything he can get his hands on. If he could just coordinate getting up on his legs and arms at the same time he'd be crawling. It's just a matter of time before he figures it out. He's also started roaring. That's right, he'll rooooooooar just like the lion on his exersaucer. He thinks it's hilarious if you roar back, which most of the time I do. This is one HAPPY baby.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

poor sickly family!

We are all sick! Bob still has a cold and yesterday his neck was all stiff and messed up on one side. He couldn't turn his head to the right, and varely to the left. Meanwhile, Oliver has gotten the cold and is all snuffly and miserable...well maybe not miserable...but anyway today he's coughing and sleeping a lot. I had to go to the eye dr yesterday to check out my SERIOUSLY red eye that was super sensitive to light an dhurt when I moved it. Turns out I have a bacterial eye infection that is treatable only by antibiotic eye drops. Fun fun! For the first 2 hours I had to pot them in every 15 mintues, then every 30 for 4 hours, then every hour for six h ours, then every two hours for 12 hours. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep last night. Another things about taking antibiotics, even if they are eyedrops, is that it gets into the breat milk, so we've switched to formula until i'm done with the drugs. poor oliver, he hates formula!!! Luckily we had several cans that were mailed to us when he wass birn. Free formulas is cooool!!!!

sorry about any typos...i can'r put my contacts in so i cant seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Schmappy Easter - 1 day late.

Yep, I missed it. I was out of town and so couldn't post my happy schmappy Easter wishes. Too bad.

We spent the day eating delicious food, playing fun games, and having a grand time. Thanks to Mom, Dale, Rachael and Dave. Unfortunately Sarah, Greg, and Delilah didn't make it to the festivities. Bob got sick so he didn't have as good a time as I did. Poor Bob...he always seems to get sick when we travel. It was COLD in Asheville too. There was snow on the sides of the road when we were going up.

Now we're back home, back into the normal everyday routine. We did work on finishing the primer on the top of the bathroom, and Bob hung up my new clothesline. I'm very excited about the clothesline! I love the smell of clothes dried outside, and think of how much energy it will save!!!

The flowers I planted are sprouting up very well. Even with the last few cold days they still look OK. I am so excited to see the flowers when they get big enough to bloom. I'll have to be sure to take lots of pictures when they do.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what's up with the Babes in Blogland site? I haven't been able to get there for almost a week and I missed Oliver's birthday buddies birthdays! I usually leave a little birthday message for them, but since I don't have them bookmarked I couldn't this month. I was very disappointed.