Saturday, November 05, 2005


I just saw a commercial for Aleve. I have never used Aleve, nor do I plan to, but I just wanted to point out how silly this commercial was (and most others for that matter). Ok, the mother (old) and the daughter (middle age) were gardening or something...they were outside. Anyway, the mother winces and looks like she's in pain. The daughter looks over and says "You've got to try my Aleve" and pulls a BOX of Aleve out of her pocket. Yes, that's right folks, everyone who uses Aleve, no matter what activity they are currently involved in, carries a BOX of Aleve in their pocket. A BOX!!! I could maybe understand a bottle, but not really because you are GARDENING. What on earth would you need a bottle of Aleve for while you are GARDENING? Do they really expect us to believe this or is it just product recognition? I'm hoping it is, they can't think we're that stupid.

Hooray for Centrum!!

I'm been taking Viactive vitamins, and they're kind of icky and they take forever to chew. They are chocolate flavor though, so that was something they had going for them. Anyway, I ran out so we were at Wal Mart (eeeewwww, walmart!) last night and looking at all the multivitamins. I, as most everyone knows, cannot swallow I was looking for a CHEWABLE adult vitamin. These are usually very rare and not very tasty. So anyway I found a chewable orange flavored Centrum. I got the bottle and had one last night and one when I got up today and they are yummy! They taste orange-y...there is a slight bit of vitamin-ness about them, it's kind of like eating a Rolaid...dry and crumbly. But the flavor was good...and it has all the vitamins I need every day! (Mom says I should take Calcium and Magnesium, plus it has 100% of the folic acid recommended) Well, and a lot of other things too. So there, Bob, I'll take my stinking vitamin every day!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I'm sick!!!

I got a cold somehow and now i'm miserable! For the last two days I haven't been able to talk like a normal human and now I'm blowing my nose every two seconds! I hate being sick!

Poor Bob hurt himself last night when he was out playing with the dog. He stepped in a hole and hurt his back. I feel so bad that I was at work and not here to help him up off the ground and back to the house. He layed on the sofa with a heating pad all the rest of the day after I got home. Poor honey!

He bought me a suprise...teehee. I now own Hitch and Rodgers adn Hammerstein's Cinderella on DVD. YAY Bob, great present.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween is over

Well, Bob and I had big plans for Halloween day, but then i got sick and ruined everything. I started feeling better later in the day so I drew a jack 'o' lantern on the window with some window paints and above it i put a bunch of bats (their wings were on right side up, thank you very much bob).
We had dinner at Tex and Shirley's ( a place I highly recommend) and then hung out at Friendly Center. They have a nifty toy store there that I really like to go to. Then we went to ACMoore and looked at some stuff there. Didn't buy anything though. After that we went to EarthFare and got a fire log that is made out of recycled coffee grounds. It burned really well and had a slightly sweet smell to it. We sat the rest of the evening in front of the fire sipping tea. How delightful!