Thursday, April 01, 2010

the dress I made!

This is the little dress I crocheted. The giraffe was an unwilling model for it but she seemed to be about the right size. I did make one mistake that I didn't notice until I was all done. I must have done it when the boys woke up and I paused to snuggle them. I didn't pay attention when I picked it back up apparently. Oh well, good thing it was the test dress! It was a lot easier than I thought it would be and the pattern was pretty easy to follow. I learned how to make a "shell", too! I'm sure that will come in handy for some future project.
You can tell where I messed up because the pattern changed. It looks kind of neat but it also made the shape of the dress kind of weird since the bottom rows are smaller than the top ones.
There is a pattern for a pair of bloomers that match but I don't think I'm going to make those. The people I'm making this for use cloth diapers so it'll be cute with that. There's also a pair of booties but they definitely wouldn't fit this giraffe!!
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Oliver wrote it!

He wrote this and also wrote dolphin - in the same fashion. I draw the boxes, show him how to do the letter above it and he does it in the box. He's getting really good at writing the letters in his name.
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New stroller

I took these cool guys out for a walk in our new double jogging stroller. I love that it has four wheels instead of three - it seems sturdier and less likely to tip over. I like this one better than the other double stroller we have (and are going to sell now) because the boys are side by side instead of having one of them waaaaay up in front of the other.

The parent tray is great, storage, two cupholders, ipod hookup with speakers. There is storage underneath and a pocket behind each seat. The seats recline seperately so that if one falls asleep the other can still sit up. They also have their own trays with two cupholders. The sun visors move seperately, too, and they have a window in the top - I assume so I can see them when the visor is all the way back.

The boys like it because they can see each other and talk. They shared toys and snacks (even though they each brought their own) and had a good time. Everyone we passed commented on how CUTE they are!

Side note: Wyatt has a Band-Aid on his knee because he skinned it twice yesterday...poor baby!
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

first dress

This is part one of the first piece of clothing I've ever tried to crochet. So far it's pretty easy if you don't count the row I did three times because I kept missing the SAME STITCH. Anyway, it turned out ok and it has a pretty little ruffled edge. This is just the test dress to see how hard the pattern is and if I can even do it. I like the colors, though!
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