Saturday, June 03, 2006

in response...

I do find it hard to drink water, but not because I feel full. Most of the time I'm either comfortable or ravenous. I don't like to drink the water because it doesn't have any flavor! It's just cold and wet and plain...and sometimes not even cold. I do try to drink as much as I can at work though Yesterday I drank 2.5 Liters, today I only drank 1.

Speaking of being ravenous though, I'm off to Wendy's for a salad and a frosty. Yeah, I know I'm bad...I shouldn't be eating fast food. Oh well, I'm hungry!

Friday, June 02, 2006

dr's appt.

it's Friday, and our appointment was on Tuesday. Yeah, I know I should have updated sooner, but the visit was so short! We went in and I did my chart work and then we met with the midwife. She basically said everything was fine according to the ultrasound, measured my belly (84cm around, 32cm from pelvic bone to top of uterus), and listened to the raisin's heartbeat. That part kind of freaked me out because when she caught him (he likes to run away from the monitor thingy) his heartbeat was really slow! She listened for a minute or so and it got faster again, like normal. I got really worried though, until she said that sometimes that happens when the baby grabs the umbilical cord. He kind of cuts off his blood supply. that's NORMAL?? If she says so, I just wish he wouldn't do it when I'm listening. Then she told us we should go ahead and schedule our ultrasound. We were like "what?" and then she realized that she wasn't paying very much attention and looked over the results again. Next time I will have a glucose screening, which sounds like no fun at all. I have to get up and eat a protien filled breakfast BEFORE 7:45. My appt is at 9:45 and after they make me drink a cup of glucose (flavored, thank goodness) they will wait an hour and then stab my finger to take blood. I hate the finger stabbing!

Anyway, before our appt we took Jasper to get groomed. We didn't take him back to Petco because he was depressed for a few days after the last time we took him there and the fact that the stupid groomer lady was talking on the phone while she was trying to clip his nails. We took him to PetSmart, where they made him all nice and shiny and good smelling, and they even let us pick what colour of bandana he wanted to wear. Of course, Jasper picked green because that's his favorite colour.

We went to see the new X-Men movie too. It was pretty good, but I didn't think it was as good as the first two. There were some really good scenes, and some that could have been much better if someone had put a little more effort into it. Overall though, it was worth seeing.

Bob brought up the fact that we are lazy and need to exercise more. He's so right! I got up early (ok so it was 9) and took the dog for a walk (about 15 minutes) and then did my Mommy exercise video. Ok, well I only did half, but it's more than I've done for a while. If I ever get my work schedule for June I'm going to make sure I schedule time to go to the gym and walk. It's too hot out to walk most of the time, and when it's not then it's raining.
I also need to try harder to drink the amount of water the midwife recommended. I didn't drink any yesterday until about 9pm. Shame on me! Of course, after I drank 3 glasses of water between 9 and 11, I was up all night running to the bathroom. I guess I learned my lesson.

Monday, May 29, 2006

tap dancing

For the past few nights right when I go to bed the raisin has decided it's time to be awake and active. I lay on my right side, and he just tap dances all over where my belly touches the mattress. He hit me so hard the other night that it startled me and woke up poor Bob!

We got some CD's to play to him, they say it stimulates him and makes him smarter. Our next appointment is tomorrow and hopefully they will let us know more from the ultrasound. Speaking of which, no one can seem to make out what those pictures are, so I will label them and repost them at some point.

We've also started saving money for him. We haven't decided where to put it or anything, but we have some money set aside. Better to start early, the longer you save the more interest you earn. Hopefully in 18 years he'll have enough for college.

I weighed myself yesterday and I've gained 3 more pounds for a grand total of 124!! Hooray!