Wyatt's 2 month appointment
Wyatt had his appointment today at 8:30. We almost missed it because we were so tired that we slept til 8! I think we set a record getting out of the house. Anyway, he's 12 pounds 11 ounces (75th percentile) and 24.5 inches (90-95th percentile) and I don't remember his head measurement but it was in the 25th percentile. (tall chubby boy with a tiny head) Everything else was right on schedule - he's following the light, he's cooing and smiling, he's grabbing and holding. She said his heart and lungs sound good; I guess he didn't get the murmur like Oliver had. When it came time for his shots we told her we were only getting 2 of the 4 that are scheduled for that age. She told us they don't do that anymore - all the kids at their practice get their shots on the government recommmended schedule because some people didn't follow up and get the ones they skipped. We went ahead and got all the ones for today but I guess now we have to figure out if we want to stay with them or switch to someone more flexible.
Overall Wyatt is doing really well!