I tried to put Oliver in his crib to sleep for the first time last night. I rocked him until he fell asleep, then very carefully put him in the crib. I crept into bed and turned up the monitor nice and loud so I could hear every noise (not that I couldn't anyway, his door is directly across from mine and both beds are right inside the door). I laid there for a few minutes, then I really got upset. I felt like I had abandoned him. What if he woke up and was scared because he was all alone? What if he kicked his blankie off and got cold? what if he needed me and I was WAY OVER HERE?!?!?!?! Of course, he only slept there for about 15 minutes, then he started wailing and I ran in to get him and appologized about a zillion time for leaving him all alone. Needless to say he spent the rest of the night sleeping right where he could see me.
Then again, he slept for ***8 hours*** That's a first. It was so nice. From midnight to 8 in the morning. Then he ate and slept for another hour and a half. Hopefully this will be a trend. For the past few nights before that he had been sleeping for 5 hours, getting up to eat, and then sleeping another 4 hours. That was pretty nice, too.
Tomorrow we have to finish our Christmas shopping and send everything off. I don't think I'll be doing the secret Santa thing with my dad's family next year. I have such a hard time trying to find something to get for people that I see MAYBE twice a year. Oh well, they are all getting the same thing this year. I hope they like it.