Saturday, February 24, 2007

Knitting Mama

This is Jasper. Yeah, he's a dog, but he was my first baby. He's a lab mix - we aren't sure what he's mixed with. We got him at the animal shelter January '05. His birthday is 5/5...maybe he'll get a pinata this year. He's about 60 pounds so he's pretty big, but he's very well behaved most of the time.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

hey baby!

I got they keys to the car...wanna go for a ride?

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He's got the whole world in his hands...

Oliver is getting to be more interested in the toys on the exersaucer. He likes the globe and the little wheels (blue, yellow, green at the front of the picture) because they make noise when you move them. Those wheels are actually the one he plays with the most. He also likes to "talk" to the sunshine, which is right behind the globe in this picture. It has a smiley face on it, which is probably why he wants to talk to it.

He's getting to be very active and very talkative. He naps only a few times a day for about 45 minutes each time. The rest of the time he's playing on his quilt, in his saucer, with Mommy or Daddy, or eating his bites. Actually, I put him in his high chair to play for a little while yesterday to let him practice sitting up. He played there for about 15 minutes before he got tired. He's so strong!!

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But I don't want anymore!!

Here's the silly little guy eating up his bites. Actually at this point he had eaten all the bites he could handle and was getting cranky about having to sit up in his chair. I snapped this picture right before I washed off his dirty little face. He does really well eating up the bites. In a week and a half he gets to try some veggies! So exciting!!!

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I can do it!!

Oliver is learning to use his hands better. He can pick up things that are not soft and aren't easy to grab (like rings and links). We practiced this today with some toys he got for Christmas from Aunt Rachael. Here he is holding a cowboy. He likes when the cowboy says "yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaawwwwwwwwwww!!"

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I don't know why...

I thought I had posted some stuff a while back but apparently it was just saved as a draft. So anyway, here are some pictures. This first one is the set of books we got at Sam's. Oliver loves reading them (as you can tell from the previous post). The puppy and kitten are cloth and they rattle. The Elephant is a "touch and feel" book, the duck is vinyl and has a squeaker, and the sheep has shiny stuff in the pictures. It's fun to read these to Oliver and see how he reacts.

This pictures was really cute because he was laughing and covering his mouth up.

Here's one of a BIG smile. He usually stops smiling like this when I get the camera out.
I can't even remember what he was laughing at.

This is a picture of the cloth diapers we got. There are two each of twilight, butternut, and white. They each have a microfiber insert that is very absorbant. We've started using these instead of the disposables and it's working out very well so far.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

growth charts

This is the growth chart for Oliver's weight. Right now according to this he is in the 87th percentile.

This is the growth chart for Oliver's height. Right now according to this he is in the 94th percentile.

You can get this here.
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you're getting sleeeeeeeeepy...

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Monday, February 19, 2007

time is flying!!

Well, this month is almost over. I can't believe it! Oliver is going to be half a year old in a few weeks. I'm amazed at the little guy every day.

He's still eating up all his bites. I've gone to twice a day and started making more each time. He LOVES bites! He still follows each meal with some milk though.

He's got some bumps on his bottom gums. You know what that means...teeth! That'll be good except for two things...he's still breastfeeding and his cute little gummy smile will be all gone.

He rolled over again last night. He waited a good long while to do it since that first time, but last night took a lot less effort than the first time.

He's gotten better at grabbing and manipulating things with his hands. He almost always uses his thumb to grab now, unlike before when he'd just use his fingers. Needless to say he was always dropping things.

In other nonbaby news...we got our mattress! It is so wonderful. It feels so much bigger than the full size one we had before. Softer, too.