Sunday, March 26, 2006

Nothing really...

I haven't posted in a while and I'm starting to feel guilty. I still feel sick sometimes in the evening, and I still get tired very early. I've been trying to take a nap when I get home just so I can stay up to a normal hour, but that doesn't always work.
We've got so much to do, and I realized today that we only have 6 more months to get ready for this baby. That seems like a long time and a very short time. There should be some kind of checklist for getting ready for this like there is for weddings! We finally settled on a girl's name, I think. We registered at Babies R Us. I've been keeping a baby journal and this blog, as well as a calendar of events (dr appts, visitors, etc). Bob's been keeping a blog as well, for those of you who did not know. It's
We're still looking around to see about buying a house. If we can we're going to do that, if not we'll upgrade to a two bedroom apartment for a year while we get settled and ready to buy.
We went to church with Kyle and Cindy tonight. It was fun, Kyle read the scripture passage and Cindy did the message. Then she sang! I didn't know Cindy could sing! She did very well! Afterward we went to dinner at Tex and Shirleys and it was very nice and the food was yummy. I got apple pancakes, but I think I ate too much because now I feel icky.
I think I'm starting to get a little bit of a belly. My regular pooch seems to me like it's bigger and sticks out more. I wish I'd hurry up and start to show more, sometimes it still doesn't feel real to me.
We watched The Butterfly Effect the other day, and it freaked me out. After we watched it was the first time I started thinking that something could be wrong with our baby. What if our baby is a scary little freak like the kids in that movie!?!?! I was awake most of the night worrying about it. Stupid movies.

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