Saturday, April 15, 2006

New things...

Well it's been a while since I posted, but I can't say that anything terribly exciting has happened. I've been working, of course, and Bob, too. Scroll down and you'll see my latest craft project. I've been trying to set aside time to do things like that. It's very relaxing and it's something you don't really have to concentrate very hard on. I finished that one in about 2 hours.
I was planning to go to Lexington today to visit my dad and sisters, but it turned out that I couldn't go due to various reasons. One of which is that lately I've been getting car sick pretty easily. We are expecting visitors next week though, and I am very excited! Bob's sisters are coming down on Monday and we are all going to the NC zoo in Asheboro, and then on Tuesday my older sister (Rachael) is coming down and she's staying until Thursday! Yay! I love having visitors! So far I haven't been terribly successful in thinking of things for us to do, but I'm sure we will have a great time anyway. We always do!
Bob and I went grocery shopping the other day and we bought lots of yummy food to make actual meals with! So far all I've made is beef stew, but it turned out really yummy. I'm sure I'll get home in time tonight to make something for us. I really like cooking for my hubby!
We've started looking at houses again. We're hoping to buy one in the next few months so that when the raisin is born we will already be settled in. Also, we're going to need a lot more room than we have here for all the baby stuff. A one bedroom apartment is definately not big enough for 3 people, a dog, and all their stuff.

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