Monday, January 22, 2007

Oliver's 4 month appt

He's 25.5 inches long, 16 lbs, 15.5 oz. His head is 17 inches. He's healthy and apparently ready to start solids! Tomorrow we'll try some rice cereal. He got 4 shots again, poor thing. He took it better than last time though, and he's only slept a few hours since then. He doesn't seem to be getting a fever this time either.


Melinda said...

S. just had her 4-month appt on Friday, and she had a huge flare-up of her eczema after getting her shots. The dr. didn't even tell me that such a reaction was possible! Grr.

Aileara said...

Braeden heads in for his 4-month shots the end of the month. He did well with the 2-month ones, hope these go as smoothly. Love the video of Oliver with his dino..hehe.