Monday, February 26, 2007


He might not have thought so actually. Here's the first bite - he looks a little scared.

This was after the first bite when I was getting the second bite ready. He couldn't really figure it out...
This isn't the same as my usual bites, Mom!!

It was an interesting but messy experience.
He only ate a few bites of the peas, but managed to get them all over his face.

Well, it was a new flavor and texture. What did we really expect?

There is a reason he got to try peas a week before his 6 month birthday even though the dr told us to wait until he's six months old. When I was getting him ready for his dinnertime cereal I snapped the tray on the high chair and his finger somehow got caught. He started crying right away and I unsnapped it really fast, but his little finger swelled up and he wouldn't stop crying. We put some ice on it and gave him a little bit of Tylenol. He went to sleep about 10 minutes later but we felt so bad for the little guy that we got him the peas as a treat. So his second "major" accident was caused by me, just like the first one. :-(
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Montreal Mama said...

Poor little guy - I hope he's okay!

By the way, the link on your sidebar to my blog doesnt work. There is an http too many!

Aileara said...

Poor little fella - but I think one of many incidents we'll all experience over the coming months as they get more active. I hope his finger's feeling better. Congrats on the peas - too cute!!