Sunday, March 11, 2007

new things...

Well we went to Wally world today. We needed to pick up a few things and ended up with more than we meant to get. We did get some nail clippers for the dog, which we needed since we won't be taking him to the groomer once a month anymore. We also got a new toy for Oliver - one of those towers with all the different colored rings that stack up. He seems to like chewing on the rings, but doesn't get the concept of the tower yet. We also got him a cup! It's a non-leaking cup with a straw. I read in several different places to skip the sippy and go to a cup or straw. The reason is that a sippy does basically the same thing as a bottle, it just looks different. With a straw the drink doesn't pool in his mouth therefore reducing the amount of time it is in contact with his teeth. "Why is this important?" you might ask. Well, it's because we don't want sugar and stuff getting on his teeth all the time so they don't rot. So we're starting that with meals tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, we'll be going to Raleigh tomorrow so we can drop Oliver off at Nanny and Pappy's house and go on a DATE! yep, a date!! I'm so excited!!!

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