Monday, September 10, 2007

On his actual birthday...

we went to the zoo. Here's a few pictures of Oliver checking out the animals. The gorilla played peek-a boo with him. She kept peeking around that metal bar to look at him.

He's pointing at the flamingos.

The bear came right up to see him. That rock is the closest he could get to the viewing area. Oliver waved and called him "kitty kitty kitty!" Some people looked at us like we were crazy.
The otters put on quite a show for him. There were two of them and they just kept swimming by and doing summersaults under the water.

The zoo was rather deserted since all the kids are back in school so we had the place mostly to ourselves. It was nice to not have to push through people to see or worry about anyone getting in front of Oliver so he couldn't see.
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