Saturday, October 13, 2007

Adventures at the Barber Shop...

Since Oliver started looking like this in the mornings and after naps we decided it was time for that first haircut.

We took him up to Bob's usual an actual BARBER shop...with old men sleeping while they wait their turn and everything. He sat up in the chair like a big boy, he didn't even really mind when he got covered up with the sheet thing...

He did cry a little bit toward the end, but I think it was only because he doesn't like sitting still that long.
Here is the final picture before he got down. He looks like a little boy! He really did so well - the barber used scissors and the clipper things that buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oliver liked the buzz in his ear when he trimmed around there. When we were done we snatched up some pieces of hair for his book. The barber gave us a certificate for Oliver's first haircut. I almost cried!
Here is the picture of him after we brushed it like he usually wears it. Isn't he cute?!?!


Aileara said...

He's absolutely gorgeous - great pictures of a very special moment.

Montreal Mama said...

Sean got a trim today too! Just a trim though! Oliver looks cute!

Delilah said...

I was showing these picture to Delilah and she said it looked like he had fire on his head in the first picture. I tried to tell her it was just his messy hair but she is convinced his head was on fire!! She is so silly! His hair looks good now!