Thursday, March 09, 2006


For about 3 weeks all I could stomach was chex and crackers. Thankfully, I can now eat real food again!! I've had pasta and chicken and sandwiches and all kinds of delicious food! Everything tastes so good!!!!
I still feel like sleeping most of the time, but when I don't I have a lot of energy. (I took the dog for a walk today! Washed the dishes too!) Bob has been such a great help. He's taken care of all the housework and made me anything I wanted to eat while I was sick. He's the greatest hubby ever!
We've decided to transfer to the Carolina Birth Center, one of only two freestanding birth clinics in NC, to have our baby. They promote natural labor and birth with little intervention from modern medicine. We'll be working with a midwife and an RN. We had our first visit and a tour yesterday and it's so much friendlier and homier than the hospital. If you want to find out more about it, here's the link:
There's lots of good information on there.
Bob is looking for another job so we can make sure everything is taken care of while I'm out of work. At this point we are planning that I only go back part time after the 12 week FMLA leave. It's better to have less income and full time care than to spend all your salary on day care. Besides, who wants to leave their little tiny 3 month old baby in day care with strangers all day!??! NOT ME!!
We go Monday to get our first ultrasound and hear our baby's heartbeat (hopefully!). That will be our last visit to Green Valley OB/Gyn. If we get a picture I will be sure to post it here.

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