Sunday, December 03, 2006

back to work

today I went back to work. I had a really hard time leaving the house...I felt so guilty about leaving poor Oliver for 8 hours. I'd never been away from him for that long. (I think the longest amount of time was 3 hours) It was hard!! When I got to work it was a little better because I had lots to do so I wasn't sitting there just missing my boys all day. However, about 4:30 I was suffering! It sucks to not be able to feed your baby when you have been doing it for so long. By the time I got home I was about to burst! Luckily Oliver was hungry so he ate a bit then I pumped the rest.
I guess Bob did ok, Oliver is still in one piece. He wasn't screaming uncontrollably when I got home or either of the times I called. Bob did send me a picture of him crying though. Talk about making me feel bad!

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