Saturday, December 02, 2006

not much...

I don't have much to post about just now, but Oliver is sleeping and I've pretty much cleaned up. Bob's dad is coming over today to do some stuff around the house. They are going to put a light switch in the laundry room to replace the stupid cord that I can never get to work - hooray! Other than that I don't know.

It's cold in the house. It looks sunny outside, I wonder if it's warmer out there than it is in here. It was yesterday.

Oliver is all congested again. I'm almost over the cold I had - I hope I didn't give it to him. I've been very careful about washing my hands and not touching anything that's going in his mouth. Also, not smooching him - TORTURE! I think that I did give my cold to Bob...sorry honey!

Jasper got groomed yesterday and he looks super. They didn't put a bandana on him like they usually do, but he still looked nice. He smells way better, too. We had to get him a new leash since he broke his other one when we were in WV.

I need to go to the craft store and get supplies to make Oliver a stocking. I made one for Jasper last year, and Bob has one that I made from the first year we had Christmas together, I think. I'm not sure where we'll hang them since we don't have a fireplace this year. I'm sure Bob will think of something.

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