Tuesday, May 29, 2007

from start to finish!

This is what the laundry room looked like today when I woke up. Nasty, right? spiderwebs everywhere, no shelves, no walls! Well, after much hard work Bob and I (mostly Bob) did this...

Actually, Bob did all the insulation because he didn't want any fiberglass getting on Oliver. Anyway, when he finished with that Oliver was asleep so we did this...

Ok, so the walls were up. Then we installed my mother's day present, which made it look like THIS!

Yay! I have shelves to put my stuff on! LOOOOOOK! My 3 different laundry detergents (one for adult clothes, one for baby clothes, and one for diapers - in that order) and fabric softener. (Bounce, if you must know). The rest of that super long shelf is going to hold canned food and perhaps spare cereal and stuff, as well as extra Oliver food. Hooray for shelves!

1 comment:

Aileara said...

Wow, that's a lot of work - it looks great! Enjoy all those shelves.