Sunday, May 06, 2007

Happy 8 month birthday, Oliver!!

Today Oliver is 8 months old...2/3 of a year!! Time is flying by so quickly. It seems like not very long ago that I was writing the happy 7 month post. He's done a lot since then, but it still seems so quick! I know he's definately taller than he was, and probably weighs more, too. He laughs at everything.

Exploring is his new favorite hobby, which sometimes leads to pulling himself up to grab onto things. Playing on the outside of the exersaucer is fun - he gets to stand by himself and sometimes even inches his way around to get to a different toy. He's still very close to crawling - he hasn't quite figured it out yet. He can feed himself finger foods, and yesterday we tried Stage 3 sweet potatoes. (there was no difference as far as I could tell) He's such a grump because of his top teeth coming in, but hopefully soon that will pass.
He's so much more expressive than he used to be. He babbles and talks all the time - using lots of different sounds. I'm excited for him to start using real words, but we're in no rush! Sitting up is a breeze, he can even catch himself when he looses his balance. When he does fall he doesn't cry - he just keeps on playing. Rolling is noooo problem, he rolls all over from one end of the room to the other. He's a happy healthy little guy and I can't imagine having a better baby.


Aileara said...

Happy 8 Month Birthday, Oliver!! Oh my, how you've grown and developed. Congratulations on all your accomplishments to date. You're doing a great job, Maggie :)

Jennboree said...

He's so handsome! And he looks like he's just about to burst with love and laughter. Couldn't ask for more, could you? :)

Montreal Mama said...

Happy 8 months Oli!

(from Sean!)