Saturday, February 09, 2008

my latest project

I've been planning on painting jungle scenes on Oliver's bedroom walls since we moved in. The walls are bright yellow with dark green trim. I actually started on it a few days ago with a butterfly a caterpillar and a couple of fern-like plants. Yesterday I finished the first (very small) tree. I think they turned out ok. The next step will be to put in the pond/lagoon with the crocodile in it. maybe some dragonflies and some cattails...I haven't decided. This is going to go on the wall beneath the bookshelves. There will eventually be an elephant and a couple of giraffes, probably a monkey, maybe a toucan or two. Of course there's no telling how long this is going to take. I barely have time to do anything. I worked on what I've done already for a little while every day before going to work. Mabye if I keep doing that it can be done before August. I hope so!

1 comment:

Aileara said...

That sounds so cool. I wish I had the talent to do something like that. Braeden's room is still the old "nursery" theme, but I want to change that before too much longer. Do you paint free-hand, have stencils? How do you do it?