Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Fun, Day #2

Today Bob let me sleep in until almost 9:30! I woke to Oliver bringing me a card that he had written "Mim" on the envelope, "I love you" on the inside and signed his name on the other side. Of course being the hormonal pregnant woman I cried like a baby. Then Bob and Oliver left the room for a minute and back they came with a box. When Oliver was first born Bob got me this (the first picture) Willow Tree figurine...
Today I got this one. I had just gotten myself calmed down when I opened it and I cried and cried some more. Look how big he is! My sweet little boy is growing up and it's going so quickly. Anyway, after I recovered from that I went out to the playroom and sat down to relax for a few minutes before we headed out for our busy day - when Bob handed me yet another card. This one was from him and started me crying all over again. I love my family so much!

So after the weepfest we got ready and headed out to Mimi's Cafe where we had planned to attend their special Mother's Day brunch. However, the wait time was an hour and a half so we went to Tex and Shirley's instead. It turned out well because I really enjoyed my apple pancakes and everyone ooh'd and aaah'd over Oliver and his messy chocolate face (he had chocolate chip pancakes). After we finished we headed home for a very long relaxing nap. Oliver was sooo tired that he fell asleep in less than 10 minutes and slept for almost 2 hours! Bob and I went to sleep, too. When we woke up we headed off to the GCM to paint rocks for their new outdoor area. Oliver was very creative and once I get a picture of the rock I will post it here. We played around there for about an hour and then it was time to head down to the Hospital for a tour of the Labor and Delivery area. There were 5 other women there for the tour and we were all having boys! Anyway, the tour was informative and made me feel a bit better about going there. They have big tubs to relax in while you're in labor (but not give birth in), large rooms for labor and the 2 day stay, and they allow rooming in! After that we went home again to change clothes for the 3rd time. We played for a while then we decided to head to Outback for dinner. I told Bob to call and see what the wait time was before we left, but he said it was way too early for people to be getting dinner so it should be alright. We got there and the wait time was 60-70 minutes - with a hungry boy we decided not to wait that long and went to Tripp's instead. We were seated right away and although the children's menu was sadly lacking I had the most delicious steak and mashed sweet potatoes! Then for dessert - mud pie with about a gallon of chocolate sauce on top. Soooooo good! Now we are back home, Oliver is in bed fast asleep, and Bob and I are just relaxing for the rest of the evening until we go to bed. Tomorrow will be Day #3 of fun then back to work for both of us. I won't think about that now, though. It's been such a perfect weekend! I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow because that would mean we'd have to modify our plans. We'll see!

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