Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day fun in the yard...

We got up early yesterday and went to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast with our neighbors. (Incidentally Mimi's was voted #3 most kid friendly restaurant in Parent's magazine this month!) After a very yummy breakfast we came back home and took a nap - which was exactly what we all needed. Then We had some lunch and went outside to play. It was pretty hot (around 91, I think) but there was a breeze so it didn't feel too bad. Bob and Oliver played ball, then they fed the birds (picture 2), then they played in the rocks in the parking space. We were still outside when Nanny and Pappy showed up to hang out for a while. They stayed for about an hour playing and chatting and such then they had to leave to get home. After they left we went out to dinner at Red Robin (also on Parents kid friendly list, but Bob's favorite burger place) and it was yummy! Bob even treated himself to a delicious chocolate milkshake, which he shared because it was HUGE. Overall, I'd say it was a pretty good day.

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