Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween is over

Well, Bob and I had big plans for Halloween day, but then i got sick and ruined everything. I started feeling better later in the day so I drew a jack 'o' lantern on the window with some window paints and above it i put a bunch of bats (their wings were on right side up, thank you very much bob).
We had dinner at Tex and Shirley's ( a place I highly recommend) and then hung out at Friendly Center. They have a nifty toy store there that I really like to go to. Then we went to ACMoore and looked at some stuff there. Didn't buy anything though. After that we went to EarthFare and got a fire log that is made out of recycled coffee grounds. It burned really well and had a slightly sweet smell to it. We sat the rest of the evening in front of the fire sipping tea. How delightful!

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