Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I'm so lucky!!

I've been reading a lot of blogs and such lately, and I'm realizing more and more just how lucky I am.
For one thing, I got pregnant easily. By easily I mean "oops! We weren't planning this!!" I don't think I was ever really aware of how hard some people TRY to get pregnant. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't...sometimes it just takes a really long time and a lot of struggles. I kind of just walked into it when I wasn't expecting it or (GASP) wanting it. I knew we'd have kids one day, I just didn't think it'd be so soon.
The other thing is that my husband is so supportive and understanding, and he's AROUND. He didn't get scared and run off when we found out. (not that I expected him to) He's been involved in every step, been to every doctors appointment. He reads to the raisin, and makes sure I eat right and take my vitamins. We exercise together at the pool, even though he HATES the pool. He makes me feel better when I'm sad or worried or sick. I think he even likes shopping for baby stuff as much as I do.
Also, we have a healthy baby. He's got all his parts, he's active, he's not too small, and he's caused me almost no trouble. (unless you count heartburn ALL THE TIME). We've had no worries of miscarriage or premature birth, no diabetes, no bleeding or cramping.
Another thing, we have lots of friends and family who have given us baby gifts and offered to stay with us once the raisin is born. They keep in touch so they know how we are all doing. They come to see us, even though it's a long drive and gas is expensive and they have to work the next day.
All together, I would have to say that I'm pretty much the luckiest pregnant woman ever.

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