Tuesday, November 14, 2006

2 month checkup

Oliver had his two month checkup today. He cried practically the whole time...and he hardly ever cries. First the doctor tried to pull a piece of skin off where his circumcision was done a little weird. He definately didn't like that!! The she checked his hips, which he never likes. After she finished her exam he had to get 5 vaccinations! Luckily one was liquid and he got to drink it, but the rest were shots. He got one in his left leg, two in his right, and one in his right arm. He screamed and screamed. I can't understand how the nurse does it! I cried the whole time, too, because when she did the first one he looked up at me like "Mom, why are you letting her hurt me?" It broke my heart and I hated it terribly. When we got home he just slept for a long time. When he woke up he was hungry so I went ahead and gave him a dose of Tylenol (per the dr, to keep down fever if he gets one) and fed him. He fell asleep again immediately after and slept for a few hours before he was hungry again. Pretty much he's slept the whole time since we got home except when he woke up and cried for about 30 minutes. Poor little guy. :(
He hasn't gotten a fever yet, so hopefully he won't.


Melinda said...

We had our 2-month checkup yesterday -- watching those needles poke into little baby thighs was awful! But we had the opposite problem from you: we were trying to get the dr to take our concerns about the baby's constant screaming seriously, while the baby decided to take that opportunity to sleep sweetly and peacefully in my arms for the first time in a week. Needless to say, the dr. did not share our concerns.

Jennboree said...

Poor baby boy! It never gets any easier to watch your wee one get shots.

Ava got so unhappy at her 1 month, she screamed and cried...then passed out in the doctor's hands.