Saturday, November 18, 2006

the agony!

I was organizing Oliver's dresser when I realized that some of his clothes don't fit him anymore! I was sorting them out, but I got so upset and started to cry because he's getting so big :( I found the shirt they gave him in the hospital and it was so tiny...I put it in his keepsake box so he can have it when he's older. Anyway, it made me sad to put away some of the things he used to wear. His favorite shirt that has a fire truck and says "this is a fire truck, it goes we-ooh we-ooh" is too small for him now.

We went for a visit to Nanny and Pappy's house and got to meet Aunt Angie, Ethan (cousin), Eleanor (cousin), Aunt Cheryl, Tyler (cousin), Kelsie (cousin), and Jordyn (cousin). He was fussy or sleeping most of the time. Most of the rest of the time he was eating. I guess he was nervous in a new place with a bunch of people. By the time we left though he was more relaxed and was awake looking around at everyone. He gave everyone hugs when we left (as much as a baby can hug) and gave Jordyn a kiss (well he opened his mouth and put it against her cheek...that's a baby kiss in my opinion) He did really well on his first long car ride (about an hour and a half) - he slept the whole way except for on the way there he woke up and ate a little bit. Hopefully that's a good sign that he'll do ok next week. Pictures will be posted later.

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