Wednesday, March 21, 2007

many things...

First of all congratulations to Faith who just found our she's pregnant with baby #2!! Hooray for Faith! (she's Bob's dispatcher at work)

Secondly I didn't post yesterday because it was a very hard day. Oliver was very cranky because his first tooth actually broke through! We were very excited, but it apparently caused quite a bit of pain since he didn't want to do anything except eat and snuggle and sleep. Even when he was asleep I couldn't put him down. Every time I tried he would wake up and start screaming. Poor baby. :-(

We are going to get his pictures taken at JC Penny tomorrow. This will be his first set of professional pictures and we are very excited. I'm not sure what he's going to wear yet. They said we could bring 2 outfits so I'll pick something out tonight and make sure it's clean for tomorrow.

Mother - I tried 3 different dentists before I could get an appointment that early. All of them are booked until mid june! I don't know what's going on around here. Maybe spring is the time to get your teeth cleaned. Luckily the pain isn't as bad anymore. I can move my head like a normal person now.


Montreal Mama said...

Congrats on his first tooth!

Aileara said...

Wow, that first tooth. I'm sorry the little guy's not feeling well. That's really got to hurt. I'm glad your pain has eased up some, thankfully.