Tuesday, April 24, 2007

teething...I think so!!

I'm pretty sure that Oliver is getting his top teeth in VERY soon. We've been using this (thanks Birch and Gretchen) and these (Thanks Uncle Hedgehog) and today I gave him one of these. I'm not sure if they are "developmentally appropriate" for him but he actually did very well with it. The video has no sound because I did it with the camera, not the video camera. In fact, that's why none of my videos have sounds. Sorry.
Anyway, he skipped his morning nap again today. I guess he's grown out of it. It's sad though because that meant that I could sleep in a little bit. He sleeps very well though - he was in his bed from about 10:30 until 5:30. He woke up about 5 and was playing (not very quietly) and having a good time. After about 30 minutes he got frustrated and started fussing so I went and got him. He slept in the bed with us until 8. Not too bad but I was still tired.

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