Monday, April 23, 2007

update, please!

It's been a busy weekend so I haven't really had a chance to post. Bob put in the new ductwork and whatever in the bathroom today. I took a much needed nap. I actually vacuumed the living room and did 4 loads of laundry before I took a nap, but the nap was the best part of the day.

Oliver has been very grumpy lately! He cries and cries when he doesn't want to go to sleep. He get so tired - it's really cute when he rubs his eyes. When it comes time to actually go to sleep he screams and squirms until he's exhausted. Today after about an hour of him screaming and crying I finally got him to sleep. 15 minutes later a firetruck or something drove by with sirens blaring and woke the poor guy up. Nothing I did could make him go back to sleep. He was fine for the rest of the afternoon - not too grumpy or anything - so maybe he didn't really need that extra hour of sleep? I think he did, but we'll see tomorrow.

I'm off work for the next three days! Bob has to go to Atlanta to get his van inspected and pick up the new GPS's that they are giving all the techs. Fun fun! I'll be home all alone for a few days. I'm not sure what I'll be doing during that time, but hopefully it will pass pretty quickly.


bobwalkup said...

Actually haven't finished the ductwork- just installed some new electrical and caulked around the edges to reduce vibration noise- I cut myself but no worries i caulkerized the wound

Melinda said...

Aw man. I hate when you put a good half-hour's work into establishing a nap and some outside noise blows it all.

BTW< I got one of those Fisher Price booster-seat-high-chait thingies last weekend and I *love* it. Thanks for giving me the tip!

Rachael said...

Maybe he's teething

bobwalkup said...

Get it?
caulkerize... like cauterize?!----he's always teething and growing and hungry and wet and tired