Tuesday, August 07, 2007

11 months old...

that's only 1 month away from a year!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!?!

What he's doing now:

Cruise (he was doing this before)
Use gestures to get needs met (like pointing, arms up to get picked up)
Clap hands
drink from a (sippy) cup by himself (this took LOTS of practice)
Pincher grasp
Stand alone (for a few seconds at a time)
say Mim and Dada and know what it means/who it is
Uses gibberish (more than just babbling)
responds to commands (like "leave it alone" or "give it to me" or "come to me")

The only things he isn't doing that the book says he might be able to are walking and saying more words. Both of which are listed as being something that doesn't usually happen this early.

He's still got a little bit of stranger anxiety and separation anxiety, but not too badly. He'll wave at just about anyone (unless you ask him to) and he's all smiles and talking to people when we go shopping (especially the ladies!)

He's very playful and laughs all the time. He's started to take an interest in stuffed animals, something he never cared much for. He's even got a favorite (it's the stuffed giraffe that Delilah gave him). He's more interested in how things work than just throwing them or banging them - he's almost figured out that tower of rings...he's always taken them off but now he's trying to put them back on, too.

He's a sweet sweet boy! I'm excited (and sad) that he'll be a year old soon.


Montreal Mama said...

WOw, I can't believe he'll be a year old in a month. Planning a big party?

I wish Sean said any variation of Mom. That would be nice. This morning in aquababies he was screaming Dada. Oh well!

Aileara said...

Happy 11-month birthday, Oliver. Sorry I'm late in my good wishes - it's been a hectic week.