Saturday, August 11, 2007

I forgot some things yesterday

Oliver is crazy about waving. He waves at everyone unless, of course, I ask him to. He waves at people in stores, parking lots, he'll even wave at himself in the mirror! I think he gets the concept that the baby in the mirror is him but who knows. He does realize that it's my reflection there because when I do something he will look from the reflection to me and back again.

He still hates getting his face washed. I've got a new tactic now for washing though. I take him to the sink in (my) bathroom and let him look in the mirror while I run his hands under the faucet, then I lower him down and sploosh water on his face and rub it around to clean him off. It makes for a very wet baby, but it's better than screaming baby.

He's slept for 6 hours in a row, without waking up, in his own bed for the past two nights. Bob puts him to bed at around 8:30 or 9 and then he might wake up around 10 or so (when I get home from work) to eat then goes back down until 5 or 6. I feel so rested! I hope this trend continues. He's doing better with naps, too. He gets a snack and then some juice before firstnap, then just some juice before secondnap, but he goes down so easy. I think he's realized that naps are a good thing and since we've established a routine (not a schedule) he knows what to expect.

1 comment:

Kolorful Kitchen & Home said...

It's great to see him getting so big and active! I can't wait to see how he calls me Grandma! Tee Hee.
Oh, by the way Oliver's bithday counter seems a little messed up -can't read it!