Friday, August 10, 2007

oh so many things...

Oliver is a "good sharer". In the last few days he has started to hold out whatever he's eating/playing with so that I can have some. I usually just go "yumyumyumyum!" and pretend to eat it (even if it's a toy, weird huh?) and after I do that he chuckles and goes about his business. He did this with just about EVERY bite at breakfast. What a long meal that was!

He stands on his own for seconds at a time now (I counted six earlier, I haven't counted before or since). He usually does it when he's not really paying attention. He'll be holding a particularly interesting toy (or remote or phone) and just let go of whatever large stable object he's on to use both hands to explore it.

Speaking of phones - don't try to call my cell phone! It may or may not work, I'm not sure. Oliver chewed on my phone for a while earlier and now it doesn't ring and some of the buttons don't work. This is NOT an ideal situation since we don't get our "new every 2" credit until January.

Oliver's new favorite game is Chase. I clear off the whole playroom floor and then he sits in one corner and I sit in the other. When he starts crawling toward me I crawl toward him really fast and he starts laughing like crazy, turns the other way and takes off. Sometimes I let him get away, but when I catch him I either roll him over and lift him up into the air or I tickle him like crazy. Either way we both have a good time!

The car seat is getting to be way to small for Oliver. We're going to have to get a big boy car seat soon. I'm going to try to wait until the end of the month so I don't have to worry about turning it around after his birthday, I can just install it the right way to begin with.

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