Monday, April 14, 2008

It was too cold...

The weather was rather frigid today so we ended up staying in for the morning and after a long (2 and a half hour) nap we went out and did some shopping. We got some fun flash cards for Oliver, a Veggie Tales video, some diapers and Roy's coming home outfit. It's super cute! I'll take a picture and post it - hopefully tomorrow.

Also, Oliver slept through the night in his bed last night! He went down at 8:30 and had to be put back down twice, once around 11 and once around 12:30 but after that he slept in his bed until 6! I did hear him wake up twice between 12:30 and 6 but he just moaned, rolled around and then went back to sleep. Needless to say it was NICE to get some continuous sleep and not get kicked in the back while doing it. Hopefully this is a trend...I guess we'll see tonight. He just went down and since he only had the one nap today it only took 5 minutes to get him to sleep. *sigh of contentment* I'm off to watch a movie and snuggle the hubby.

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