Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Schmappy Easter - 1 day late.

Yep, I missed it. I was out of town and so couldn't post my happy schmappy Easter wishes. Too bad.

We spent the day eating delicious food, playing fun games, and having a grand time. Thanks to Mom, Dale, Rachael and Dave. Unfortunately Sarah, Greg, and Delilah didn't make it to the festivities. Bob got sick so he didn't have as good a time as I did. Poor Bob...he always seems to get sick when we travel. It was COLD in Asheville too. There was snow on the sides of the road when we were going up.

Now we're back home, back into the normal everyday routine. We did work on finishing the primer on the top of the bathroom, and Bob hung up my new clothesline. I'm very excited about the clothesline! I love the smell of clothes dried outside, and think of how much energy it will save!!!

The flowers I planted are sprouting up very well. Even with the last few cold days they still look OK. I am so excited to see the flowers when they get big enough to bloom. I'll have to be sure to take lots of pictures when they do.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what's up with the Babes in Blogland site? I haven't been able to get there for almost a week and I missed Oliver's birthday buddies birthdays! I usually leave a little birthday message for them, but since I don't have them bookmarked I couldn't this month. I was very disappointed.


Montreal Mama said...

Happy Easter!

Aileara said...

I just checked out the Babes in Blogland site, and it's back up. They've had issues the past week and a half apparently. It sounds like you had a great Easter. Sorry Bob wasn't feeling well though. That sux. Oliver is getting more and more handsome every day.

bobwalkup said...

Yes, poor Bob. Poor Wife has found out today that she has an infection in her eye-- Get Well CuppyCake