Friday, April 20, 2007

I miss my family...

It's been about 6 years or so since I moved away from my family. I live about 3 hours from them, but they all live in one city except for my dad. I miss being able to see them whenever I want to. I miss all the goofy outings we used to have. I'm a little sad every time someone has a party and I can't go because I have to work or we can't afford to travel. I've missed out on a lot of things these last few years and it sucks. I would love it if we could just pick up and drive out all the time, but we can't. I would love it if I could just call up my sisters and say "let's meet for lunch" and not have to add "in a few weeks" onto the end of the sentence. I miss all the time we used to spend playing games and hanging out just talking. I MISS IT!!!

I hate missing out on shopping trips and birthdays and trips to the zoo or museum or whatever. It's never that I don't want to go. I have obligations - to work and to my family here. That's why it hurts my feelings so much when everyone plans on doing something and I'm not invited. If I know about it in advance I can plan. I can take the time off work or figure something out. I want to be a part of all the fun things. If I say I can't go this time it doesn't mean that you shouldn't ask me next time.

I know I chose to move and that I choose not to move back. It's hard. I have so much going on here that it would be hard to move away. We both have jobs we like, we have a house, we have friends. We like our life here, but that doesn't mean that it's not hard to be so far from everyone.

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Its hard being away from your family isn't it? I'm 12 hours away from mine and have been for almost 10 years now :( I on the other hand would move back in a second if I had the chance. I know how you feel and it just sucks sometimes :(