Saturday, April 21, 2007

sharing the cuteness

This is what Oliver does when he's trying to get something that's in front of him, but out of his reach. He's starting to learn to coordinate his arms and legs to move forward. In this picture he's just sticking his little rear end up in the air but he did eventually scooch himself forward far enough to get that toy that you can see at the edge of the picture.

I couldn't resist posting these next two pictures because this is one adorable little man. I mean look at those eyes! He's such a flirt, too. We went to the store today and he was making eyes at all the ladies. Of course, they were drawn in by his charm and they all wanted to talk to him and tell him how handsome he is. They couldn't resist!

Speaking of going to the store, we ended up getting a couple of pairs of shorts for him since he only has 2 pairs (the two that Aunt Rachael got him) and they are both a bit snug! I'm not sure if they run small or what, but he wore one pair and they were really short on him. I'm pretty sure they'll last through the summer, though. At least I hope they will. Anyway, one khaki pair and one navy pair. They are really cute! He wore his new Hawaiian shirt today and he looked super snazzy. I'll have to take pictures later when he's awake.
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1 comment:

louann said...

those big round eyes are so cute!!