Tuesday, May 01, 2007

did you watch..?

Heroes came on last night. I was sooo excited. I got home about 20 minutes into it - luckily Bob taped it so I was able to watch it again. I was disappointed that Matt became a "bad guy" and where did they find the Haitian? When Nathan revealed himself as Sylar I wasn't suprised - he had said something earlier in the episode that kind of gave it away. Besides, Nathan wasn't "bad" he was doing what he thought he had to do. Bob brought this up - how does Peter have a scar if he can regenerate? How is killing Sylar going to prevent the bomb in NYC? Even if Hiro does manage to kill Sylar (next week - can't wait!!) he wasn't the bomb like everyone thought in "future world", Peter was. I think maybe NY will still blow up...remember what Isaac said right before he died...you can't change the future. Besides, if they kill Sylar who will be the bad guy next season?!?!?

by the way, I took the "abilities quiz" and here's the results:

OK, I thought this would show the actual results. When I finished the little book thingy said:

You are like Matt Parkman. Thinking is an electrochemical process generating waves of energy. Like an antennae you are attuned to the thought patterns that hover in space all around us.

Oh yeah, I haven't taken any pictures of Oliver in the last few days. Maybe I'll take some today and post them. Been busy busy busy.

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