Monday, May 21, 2007

I slept in today

It was only until 10:30, but after being up with Oliver half the night, and last night being up for MOST of the night I soooo deserved it.

We finished painting the dining room last night. It looks super! Pictures later, I haven't taken any yet. There was an ugly spider-cricket in there too. Icky! I don't know what they are called but they look like a cricket/grasshopper with a few extra legs. They are ugly and gross! I made Bob come and smoosh it. He also killed a spider in the bedroom last night. It's getting warm so I guess all the buggies want to come into our nice cool house.

I hung Oliver's diapers out on the clothesline the day before yesterday. So then of course the neighbor's lawn care guy decided that was the best time to blow all the gunk off her roof with a leaf blower. Right into our yard! We were out there playing with Jasper so it got in our eyes and all over us. Thanks, jerk! That's when we went into the front yard - see the pictures a few posts below.

It's nice out today so hopefully we can get the pool out - interestingly enough just as I wrote this Bob came in and told me he got the pool ready and when Oliver wakes up he can go in it. Fun! It's warmer out today than it was the last time we went in it so we can probably stay in longer.

Bob went to Wal Mart yesterday (suprisingly, because he hates it there) and got Oliver a new toy. It's a mirror with all kinds of fun little things around it...a sun that clicks and spins, a bug with a rattley spinny ball for a body, a bird that rattles and crinkles. Anyway, he loves it. I have pictures of him playing with it last night but the camera is in the other room. I moved the cushion off the sofa and put it up there so he could pull up and play while he was standing. At the moment we don't have anything he can pull up on, but as soon as I can get to the store I'm going to get him one of these.


Aileara said...

You deserve a little sleep in, especially if you don't get much sleep at night. Congratz on finishing the painting, sorry about that ugly bug..ewww. Nice of the "yard guys" as I call them to blow all that stuff into your yard. I hate those dang leaf blowers with a passion. DH got Braeden a table very similar to what you're getting Oliver - he loves it. He's had it about a month, but so far the legs are detached. Great idea as a place for them to pull up - we don't have anywhere for Brae to do that either except the couch, but the table is sturdy enough. I'm off to re-attach those legs..hehe. Enjoy!!

Jennboree said...

Glad you got some sleep. Sleep is precious.

That table is awesome. We put it by the couch so Ava can get between couch and table when her chubby legs get tired. She pulls herself with it all the time and is really getting into exploring it.

Kolorful Kitchen & Home said...

Yeah! Delilah had one of those and loved playing with it for quite a while...I guess it was the noisy, music factor that made it popular.

louann said...

What a wonderful thing for you! Can't wait till I can sleep in too.