Thursday, May 24, 2007

It's finally here!!!

Top left tooth has pushed through the gums and is now showing. Top right tooth has decided to take a bit longer, but I think a little corner of it is showing. The only BAD thing about having his top tooth (because now that they are actually through the gums I'm hoping he'll sleep better again) is that he scrapes them together with his bottom teeth. To me this noise is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard! It gives me goosebumps and sends shivers up my spine. HOW how how can I make him stop?!?!?! Hopefully it's something he'll get bored with quickly.

In other news, he's been getting up on his hands and knees in the last few days. He's been getting on his knees and elbows/face/shoulders and inchworming his way around, but these last few times he was on his hands with his arms straight. Crawling is really right around the corner now!

I get my teeth pulled out tomorrow. 5 of them. I'm very nervous. I'm not really sure what to expect at all. People keep telling me about their horrible experience getting their wisdom teeth out and none of them are pleasant. Then again I've heard a few people say that they went on their lunch break and went back to work when they were finished. Hopefully that will be the way this goes. All of them are through my gums and straight except one.


louann said...

oooh cute little more gummy smiles though ;)

Montreal Mama said...

As soon as you figure out how to make the sound stop, do let us know! So I can have your wisdom incase Sean goes through that!

I had all my wisdoms out, and it wasnt sooo bad at all. Eat baby food (REALLY!) for about 3-4 days, but it wasnt so bad. Hopefully you wont swell up too badly. You're having your 4 wisdoms and which other tooth? Good luck!

Rachael said...

When I had mine out, the worst part was the anesthesia- it made me so nauseous! But after that wore off, I was fine. Ate a lot of applesauce and soup for a few days until the gums healed, but didn't really have much pain. I never even took the pain meds the doc prescribed. Oh yeah, and they use those dissolving stitches, which are kinda gross until they are gone.