Friday, January 25, 2008

Hey look! It's about time!!

I got my hair cut! It's been since February '06 that I got it cut and it's been growing like crazy since then. We went to get Oliver a trim because his hair was hanging in his eyes again and while we were there Bob convinced me to get a "trim". Of course, once I sat down in the chair I decided to just hack some of it off. This is the result after blow drying and straightening and curling the ends. It's really cute! Everyone has said that it really suits me. I think the only person who *doesn't* like it is Oliver. He likes to play with my hair when he's going to sleep but now it's really hard to reach.

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Unknown said...

Love the hair! Thanks also for the advice for Vlad. . . I am certainly going to switch some things and hope he gets better soon.

Montreal Mama said...

The hair looks great!

I've been debating a cut too!