Thursday, January 24, 2008

sleep training, potty training...

The other night when I got home from work I heard Oliver crying...really hard! Of course my first instinct is to run and snatch up my baby and comfort him but Bob was trying to get him to go to sleep without being held/rocked/sung to etc. I absolutely HATE the CIO method of sleep training so after a few more minutes Bob gave up and let me take the boy. I actually got him to sleep without being held or rocked. I gave him a little cup of milk and laid him on the futon. I sat next to the futon where I could still pet his head and rub his back and he could still see me. Within minutes he was asleep. I've been doing this with naptimes since then and he's really getting good at going to sleep by himself. I guess the next step is to get him to do it in his bed.

The potty training is...well...a whole other story. Oliver likes to sit on his potty but he hasn't peed or pooped in it yet. He'll sit there and talk to me or read a book or play with a toy. I sit him there about every 30 - 45 minutes. Of course this has only been for a day so I'm not worried about it at this point. It's just a little frustrating because I'm so excited about the potty!

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