Tuesday, January 22, 2008

a potty chair for Oliver!

I ordered this potty chair from Amazon 2 days ago (I think) and it shipped yesterday! It's supposed to arrive tomorrow and I am sooo excited. He peed on the floor again last night after his bath, but it was before we got the new diaper on him so it's not like he meant to this time...not exactly anyway...he peed in the same place as the last 2 times. Anyway, any potty training advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

In other news, I hate my vitamin! It tastes icky and I am not supposed to eat within 4 hours of taking it (2 before and 2 after). I'm also supposed to drink a glass of water with it, but I hate drinking water. It's so plain!

I'm almost over the queasy stage. I can actually eat more than just cereal and plain baked potatoes! Woohoo! Although Taco Bell, pizza and anything with tomato sauce is totally out...heartburn city! That doesn't leave much as far as my regular diet is concerned. I mostly eat pasta with sauce or pizza or things like that. Oh well, I'll figure something out just like I did last time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! for Oliver! Potty time already. . . good luck!