Friday, June 15, 2007

I can't believe how long it's been since I posted pictures...

I've posted 8 times with only one picture of Oliver. What neglect! I took these yesterday when we were playing. He's all over the place lately. Climbing and crawling everywhere trying to get the toys he wants. He's so strong. He still hasn't really figured out how to "crawl" he's still army crawling, but it's so cute!
He's still not sleeping through the night, and still fighting naps. He woke up the last two nights screaming like crazy for no reason that I could figure out. The first night was at 4 (usually he wakes up at 3 so I was excited...thinking maybe he'd start sleeping longer) then last night at not quite 1. He does NOT want to be held/rocked/snuggled when he wakes up. He does not want to go back to sleep. Last night I rocked him, changed him, fed him, smeared his gums/teeth with Orajel, took off his jammies and left him in just a diaper, he let out a loud fart, then he played with a stuffed dog for two seconds and then fell asleep. This took approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. I don't know if he was hungry, hot, in pain from teeth or gas, uncomfortable in the wet diaper, or just didn't want to be all alone but for goodness sake child GO TO SLEEP!
He woke up today in a good mood and we had some breakfast and played a bit before he got tired again. He's taking a nap now so hopefully he'll wake up in a good mood again.
He's figured out that the page of the book in the middle of the table flips over so of course what does he do? He chews on it! Silly little pickle!

Congratulations to BabyDaddy on their new arrival on Sunday!

It looks like Babes In Blogland isn't going to shut down after all! Hoooray!

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